Man and Menstruation by Chloe Adriana
This beautiful being, my last lover, was the first man I ever let in to the world of my menstrual cycle. And it was EPIC.
But it was also so strange and new for me. I grew up without a father nor any other intimate male figure.
Navigating my period with male lovers was always shrouded in secrecy, embarrassment and shame. One day I got over that and started having sex on my period, I would proudly say ‘I don’t care if you don’t.’ And ladies, when given the option, I can tell you not many men minded!
But Peter - pictured here - was the first man I let into the WHOLE story of my menstrual cycle. I told him about my titrating moods, my intense cravings, I told him about the truth of fertility — that my egg, when released is only fertile for 24 hours! I told him that during my red moon I desired most of all to go inwards, be soft, and slow.
His reaction?
He - was - so - fucking - supportive.
He gave me a penguin hot water bottle. Rubbed my womb when I cramped. Watched me change my cup and got involved in my blood magic.
Not all men may want to get as intimate as Peter, but what I learnt from him was that I will ALWAYS give the men in my life the option to know about my menstruation.
That in fact, to feel safe around men, I NEED them to know the bare minimum about my cyclic experience as a women.
This is a fundamentally basic human education that is shamefully missing in our schools - but you know what - I’m over blaming the system. It’s time for US to know and educate ourselves, to know our bodies, and educate those around us about them.
To tell our sons / boyfriends / fathers / brothers, to de-stigmatise menstruation.
Remove the shame of blood and watch our brothers and sisters rise!
Chloe Adriana, 28, Morocco
Photo credit: picsnomad