Into My Blood I Speak by Amira ElBeialy
This FullMoon was anything but subtle
Deeply shattering
Dream state subconscious
Communicating through with no veil
Purifying tears of release
All the way back to birth trauma
In that precognitive state
Stored in the body
Psyche and soma
Roaming around the cellular space
Longing for this moment To be held
My passion turning into my purpose and service in life
Because I no longer choose
To live a passive life
Scared to be authentically me
Attracting experiences filled with
The fear of abandonment
Whilst I am constantly abandoning me
Protecting my heart so diligently
Now I choose life wholeheartedly
Committed to my unfoldment
Art in constant creation
Passing on generational trauma
So hopelessly
Come on now
Let’s take the menstrual cycle
Shall we
Around 35 years of monthly trauma
Feeling disgusted, ashamed, drained
Whilst living obliviously
So helplessly
Not an ounce of curiosity
Why was the feminine body
Chosen specifically
Do you know the wisdom within
Inherently connected to the life-death-life cycle
The rhythm of the earthly cosmos
A monthly celebration
To our nurturing and mystical divinity
To discover for ourselves the mystery
Most potent downloads intuitively
Our inner channel cleansing organically
Honoring our body
Our sacred bleed
Let’s end the cycle of victim hood
Our lineage
Are waiting patiently
For we have arrived
To re-birth history It is our responsibility
We promised
Do you remember
We are the change
Amira ElBeialy, 33, Egypt